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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Response to Megan's medicine and ethics blog

In Megan’s blog about ethics and medicine, she discussed issues revolving around birth control. Birth control is a widely used pharmaceutical in the United States (80 percent according to her blog)! The issue with birth control lies with the fact that some people feel as though it is an abortion pill. The positive aspects are obviously the fact that it prevents unwanted teen pregnancy. I liked how Megan brought up current issues about the topic of birth control in her post. Although the elections have past, when she wrote this blog they were up and coming. It made the issue relevant, and allowed people a chance to give their voice on the issue of birth control. I also agree with Megan’s stance on this issue. I feel as though any woman has a right to birth control if she wants it. If birth control was out lawed I feel that abortions would actually go up, because contraceptives would not be as readily available. Also birth control gives a woman power and peace of mind to know that they are protected.
The articles that Megan used were also very informative. I liked how she found two different articles relating to the two different opinions on the issue. She expressed both side’s view and really came full circle with the issues. Overall birth control has morality conflicts, however I think they can be overcome if people allow it to be a personal choice. If you don’t like it, don’t fill out a prescription for it.      

Ethics and Medicine

A current issue in our world concerning ethics and medicine today is stem cell research. Stem cell research aims to cure wide spread diseases like cancer using stem cells, in particular embryonic stem cells. Because these cells have the ability to turn into any tissue, the hope is that replacing diseased tissue with stem cells will cure the sick.  Ethics come into play because some groups of people believe an embryo should be seen as a human being, and therefore should not be “murdered”. I know about this issue because news about the last few years has been everywhere. It is one of those issues that no one can, or ever will agree on. I feel like the people for stem cell research are misrepresented. Most against the issue do not know the science behind stem cell research, and fight against it without taking the chance to learn.
From looking at the website, I learned a little more about the pros and cons concerning the morality issues of stem cell research. The main opponents to the research appear to be catholic church groups, whereas the proponents come from a scientifically educated back round. The article states that although one would be using an embryo, they are all donated (no one would ever have to enter the uterus, and “take”). However embryos are still being used so one would still be killing a human being. In my opinion I feel as though the side for stem cell research is more compelling because there are so many potential possibilities with this research. I believe the benefits out weigh the moral issues. They are using a tiny clump of cells, a blastocyst, for research, not a grown baby. We have the potential to unlock amazing medical feats with stem cells, and I do not think it should be halted.