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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Demonstration speech response

After watching Alec’s demonstration video he critiqued I had some of the same opinions as him, and some that differed. The video he chose was called “Imagining the Tenth Dimension”. It described in great detail how to visualize the possible dimensions one could experience. I agree with Alec that the video helped explain the complicated visualizing components of different dimensions. However, the video didn’t blow my mind like he thought it did for him. Even though the video wasn’t within the time constraints (it went a little over) I think it was a good length. Not too long, but long enough to cover in depth the topic the video was explaining. I also believe, like Alec, that the visual aids were great. The video itself did not show the narrator, but only had visual representations. This worked so well in this video because of the complex topic. Visual representation was basically the only way to explain to an “uneducated” audience. All in all the video caught my attention and it was one I would not have viewed if not for Alec. This video would definitely be useful in a class such as calculus when one has to complete equations in different dimensions. I appreciated the uniqueness of the video and enjoyed watching it.   

Demonstrative Speech

The demonstration speech I found on youtube was one titled “how to build a solar oven”. I originally chose to view this video because it fit the time constraint running in at five minutes thirty two seconds, and the topic I felt was extremely interesting. I never have seen someone make a solar oven so the girl’s speech was very informative. I also enjoyed how she incorporated the fact that it is very inexpensive to make, so it can be accessed by people currently living without a home and in financial constraints. There were numerous things that I enjoyed about her speech, and also some things I believe could be improved for next time. I enjoyed how she constructed the solar oven during the actual speech. It made for a great visual aid and interaction with the audience. A solar oven is also a very unique idea, and I doubt another in her class thought to present the same topic. Finally she was spot on with the length of the speech. Some negative aspects of the speech about solar ovens were that the person presenting was really bad at eye contact, and talked in a robotic fashion. Eye contact is important because it is important that you address the audience to make the experience for personable. Instead of talking like a robot she should have made her speech with more flow (sound natural). She also should have dressed business casual to create a professional atmosphere. Finally the speech really needed for repetition. There were numerous steps involved with the process of making a solar oven, and there was no way to remember them all. Repetition would have eliminated this issue. All in all her speech was interesting and informative. If she fixes the minor details, the speech will be perfect!