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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Reponse post 2

I believe Alyssa brought up a really important issue in her post "Asthma in Children". She discussed how minority children have a greater risk of dying from asthma than a white child. This is due to lack of healthcare, and environmental injustice (polluting factories not dispersed evenly, only in minority and low income communities). Before reading her post, this issue was something that never crossed my mind and I agree with Alyssa that these things need to be discussed and changed. I also learned from her post that this issue is also due in part to genetics. It makes you wonder why certain diseases are more likely for certain types of people compared to others. In response to her blog she also brought up important issues concerning our nations health care system. I am not super familiar with this topic but know it is extremely hard for certain people to obtain health care. Seeing that health care is a necessary part to staying healthy it makes me upset that it is not open to everyone.

I do not have asthma so this article was also informative for me because I did not know much about the disease. Statistics like this need to change, and I'm glad people such as Alyssa are spreading the word. If people are not invovled issues will never be changed for the better.

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