Search This Blog

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Technorati search engine

The search engine Technorati lets one search for blogs and blog related content. I used it to discover blogs concerning my informative paper topic, deforestation. The author of the blog I found is a man named Ronnie Cummins. He has been posting on this site at least once a month since December of 2009. The reason I chose this particular site was because I believed the information that it provided, and the author is a reliable source. Ronnie Cummins is the founder/director of the organic consumers organization. His organization is dedicated to sustainable agriculture, and national and global campaigns working towards this issue. The author utilizes hyperlinks to other websites in his posts and utilizes pictures to illustrate his point.
When I used this search engine to find a specific blog post related to deforestation I discovered one written by Gordon Brown, the former prime minister of the United Kingdom. This post came from the blog “The Huffington Post”, and was written October 10 of this year. It discussed climate change, and the effects deforestation has on this ever present issue in today’s society. This post differs from my research paper because it takes a more persuasive attitude. The author is for new low-carbon technologies and uses statistics to prove his point rather than just present information. I also feel like because Brown is so familiar with politics and world issues he has a right to argue his point. In other words he is an expert on the topic and is educated, so I feel more inclined to believe him. In my persuasive paper I will have to complete more research than Brown did due to the fact I will be unfamiliar with my topic.
All in all, the search engine Technorati was very helpful and easy to use. This was the first time I have ever explored the website and did not encounter any issues with it.

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