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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Speech evaluation

During my demonsrative speech I discussed, and attempted to teach others the beginning positions of ballet. There were some things about my speech I felt confident about, and other things I believe that needed a lot of improvement. First I will start with what I feel needs to be improved upon for next time. I think I could have projected my voice slightly better (it may have been hard for people to hear me). Also My time management was not so fantastic. I was around a minute under which is a pretty good chunk of time. Finally I feel as though after watching my speech on video that I could have made eye contact with more people, and not the floor. What I feel went really well during my speech was demonstrating something that probably not alot of people knew much about. I feel as though it was educational, and interesting. I also feel that I had well planned out visual aids (pictures of myself in different positions, and pointe shoes). One thing that I struggled with personally was the fact that because my speech was on the first day, I did not really know what to expect. I hope next time I will not be as nervous, and feel slightly more confident! However, all in all I feel as though I did a good job.

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